The war of mine the little one is an adventure installment. In this installment developer and publisher is same. The name for developer and publisher is 11 Bit studio. This installment is released in November 14, 2014. This installment is released on the base of old installment during Bosnian war 1992-1993.
It is the staratgy installment where player control the civilians in the destroyed areas. People of these areas are live with out food and water. Poverty is everywhere. Nothing is available. I have not played this installment but images tell the story
Most of the people which is the part of player team has no expericne for civilian control. Task of these people just alive the civilians and safe life from enemies. Player have no army materiel and nothing weapons available in some times.
Follow This pattern.
Operating System = Windows 7+8, Windows XP, Windows Vista 32 And 64 Bit
Processor = Core 2 duo
Ram = 2 GB
Graphic Card = 1 GB
Hard = 4 GB
The War Of Mine The Little Ones PC Game Screenshots
This installment war released for PlayStation in 2015. These are the some famous platform which is used in this installment. These are here Android, I phone, Linux and Windows Operating system. Xbox are also the part of platform.It is the staratgy installment where player control the civilians in the destroyed areas. People of these areas are live with out food and water. Poverty is everywhere. Nothing is available. I have not played this installment but images tell the story
Most of the people which is the part of player team has no expericne for civilian control. Task of these people just alive the civilians and safe life from enemies. Player have no army materiel and nothing weapons available in some times.
In morning time player has time to extend the health power, tools and other thing. Sniper take control in morning time. These sniper are so sharp. You can get this installment from kickass and other links which is better.
How to install?
Installation process is very easy, just need to understand the way of installation.- Download game file
- After downloading, Open Daemon tools and Mount image CD
- Open "RAR" File and paste all file in directory
- Play and enjoy
- That;s it
Follow This pattern.
System Requirement
Operating System = Windows 7+8, Windows XP, Windows Vista 32 And 64 Bit
Processor = Core 2 duo
Ram = 2 GB
Graphic Card = 1 GB
Hard = 4 GB
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