Under Earth is an puzzle installment which is developed and published by Crackerjack studio and this installment is released in June, 21, 2016. Under the surface of 2 miles. player and his team come down the surface and survey the earth but nothing is found.
Player are follow down the whole and enter the whole, he see that the many ghost are lived here. He is worried much about this and come back to the surface and loaded with guns. He again go back to the whole.
Now he entered the whole and all of the whole is dark no light found. Player are also open the torch and find the ghost when he find them then killed one by one. These are so dangerous so the character are also active.
This is the story of this installment. Character has find just ghost and nothing this in this installment. This installment is failed and all work is done by waste of time. You can install from kickass and watch the video tutorial.
Under Earth PC Game Screenshots
You can see that in this image a big whole is created on the surface of planet and everyone is worry about this whole that why is created and what is the purpose of the whole. I am also surprised that suddenly this whole created.Player are follow down the whole and enter the whole, he see that the many ghost are lived here. He is worried much about this and come back to the surface and loaded with guns. He again go back to the whole.
Now he entered the whole and all of the whole is dark no light found. Player are also open the torch and find the ghost when he find them then killed one by one. These are so dangerous so the character are also active.
This is the story of this installment. Character has find just ghost and nothing this in this installment. This installment is failed and all work is done by waste of time. You can install from kickass and watch the video tutorial.
How To Install?
Installation process is very easy, just need to understand the way of installation.- Download game file
- After downloading, open folder and extract it
- After extraction, open mount image CD
- Install the setup completely
- Open "Rar" file and paste all files in directory
- Play and enjoy
- That's it
Follow these steps.
System Requirement
Operating System = Windows 7/8/9/Vista/ XP
Processor = Dual core
Ram = 1 GB
Hard = 4 GB
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